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Bagnall "Monarch"


As mentioned, Golden Arrow recommend the builder to use two Ibertren Cuckoo chassis but I have many objections against that. It poses some serious problems

Subject Cuckoo Monarch prototype
Frame Inside frame Outside frame
Crosshead Two railed croshead One railed crosshead
Valve gear None Walschaerts


Moreover the Ibertren Cuckoo is out of production and is by now very rare.

Once Chivers Finelines seem to have produced a chassis kit to replace the Cuckoo.

This seems to be an outside frame, though still no valve gear in sight. Well, I won't delve deep into that matter because these kit seem to have vanished.

So I started looking for a suitable existing model in the N scale range that might be suitable. Surprising I found a diesel locomotive: Roco's BR 290. Its principal dimension in 1:160 come close Monarch's in 1:76

Dimension Monarch 1:1 BR 290 in 1:160 Monarch in 1:76
Overall wheelbase 5563 mm 59.4 mm 73.2 mm
Bogie wheelbase 991 mm 15.2 mm 13.2 mm
Wheel diameter 609 mm